Using Optimal Subsampling and Bootstrap in Machine Learning: Improving Model Accuracy


Machine learning algorithms have become increasingly popular in recent years as businesses and organizations look for ways to extract value from their data. However, getting accurate predictions from machine learning models is not always easy. One of the biggest challenges is reducing overfitting and bias in the models, which can lead to inaccurate predictions.

To address these issues, researchers and practitioners have developed a number of techniques to improve the accuracy of machine learning models. Two such techniques are optimal subsampling and bootstrap. In this blog, we will explore these techniques in detail and show you how they can be used to improve the accuracy of your machine learning models.

Optimal Subsampling: An Overview

Subsampling is a common practice in statistical analysis and machine learning to reduce the computational cost and to prevent overfitting in the model. However, it is essential to choose the optimal subsample size to obtain accurate results while maintaining the computational efficiency. Optimal subsampling refers to the process of selecting the sample size that maximizes the statistical efficiency, which is a measure of the precision of the estimator with respect to the sample size.


1. The Concept of Optimal Subsampling

Optimal subsampling is a statistical technique that involves selecting a subsample from the original dataset such that the estimator’s variance is minimized. The variance of an estimator is a measure of how much the estimator’s value fluctuates due to random sampling errors. By reducing the variance, we can obtain a more precise estimate of the population parameter. The optimal subsample size is obtained by minimizing the mean squared error (MSE) of the estimator, which is the sum of the variance and the bias squared.

The optimal subsample size depends on the sample size, the distribution of the data, and the estimator’s properties. In general, as the sample size increases, the optimal subsample size decreases, and the estimator’s variance decreases. However, if the estimator is biased, reducing the subsample size may increase the estimator’s bias, and the optimal subsample size may be larger than expected. Moreover, if the data are highly skewed or have heavy tails, the optimal subsample size may be larger than the sample size to capture the extreme values.

2. Applications of Optimal Subsampling

Optimal subsampling has several applications in statistical analysis and machine learning. Some of the common applications are as follows:

  • Monte Carlo Simulation: Monte Carlo simulation is a method to estimate the probability distribution of a complex system by generating random samples from the system and analyzing the results. Optimal subsampling is used to reduce the computational cost of Monte Carlo simulation while maintaining the accuracy of the estimates.
  • Big Data Analysis: In big data analysis, the dataset may be too large to fit into memory, and the computation time may be prohibitive. Optimal subsampling is used to select a representative subset of the data to reduce the computation time while preserving the statistical properties of the data.
  • Ensemble Methods: Ensemble methods are machine learning techniques that combine multiple models to improve the prediction accuracy. Optimal subsampling is used to create diverse subsets of the data to reduce the correlation among the models and to prevent overfitting.

How Optimal Subsampling Works

In this section, we will discuss how optimal subsampling works and its implementation in statistical analysis and machine learning.

1. Optimal Subsampling Technique

The optimal subsampling technique involves selecting a subset of the data that maximizes the statistical efficiency of the estimator. The statistical efficiency is a measure of how much information the estimator contains with respect to the sample size. A highly efficient estimator requires a smaller sample size to achieve the same level of precision as a less efficient estimator.

To find the optimal subsample size, we need to balance the estimator’s variance and bias. The variance is a measure of how much the estimator’s value fluctuates due to random sampling errors, while the bias is a measure of how much the estimator’s value deviates from the true value of the population parameter. By reducing the variance, we can obtain a more precise estimate of the population parameter, while by reducing the bias, we can obtain a more accurate estimate of the population parameter.

The optimal subsample size is obtained by minimizing the mean squared error (MSE) of the estimator, which is the sum of the variance and the bias squared. The MSE is a measure of the estimator’s accuracy with respect to the sample size, and it is minimized when the subsample size is optimal.

2. Implementation of Optimal Subsampling

Optimal subsampling can be implemented in different ways depending on the type of estimator and the properties of the data. Some of the common implementation methods are as follows:

  • Stratified Sampling: In stratified sampling, the data are divided into strata based on some characteristic, such as age, gender, or location. The optimal subsample size is obtained by selecting a proportional number of samples from each stratum, such that the estimator’s variance is minimized.
  • Importance Sampling: In importance sampling, the data are sampled from a probability distribution that is different from the original distribution. The optimal subsample size is obtained by selecting a weight for each sample that minimizes the variance of the estimator under the new distribution.
  • Cross-validation: In cross-validation, the data are divided into training and testing sets, and the estimator is evaluated on the testing set. The optimal subsample size is obtained by selecting the size of the training set that minimizes the testing error of the estimator.

Benefits of Optimal Subsampling

Optimal subsampling is a statistical technique that has gained popularity in recent years due to its numerous benefits. In this section, we will discuss the advantages of optimal subsampling and its applications in statistical analysis and machine learning.

1. Computational Efficiency

One of the primary benefits of optimal subsampling is its ability to reduce the computational cost of statistical analysis and machine learning. By selecting a representative subset of the data, we can reduce the number of computations required to estimate the population parameter or train a model. This is particularly useful when dealing with large datasets that would otherwise require significant computational resources and time.

Optimal subsampling also helps to avoid overfitting, which occurs when a model is too complex and fits the training data too well, resulting in poor performance on new data. By reducing the number of samples used to train the model, optimal subsampling can help to avoid overfitting and improve the model’s generalization performance.

2. Improved Accuracy

Another benefit of optimal subsampling is its ability to improve the accuracy of the estimator or model. By selecting a representative subset of the data, we can reduce the estimator’s variance and bias, leading to more accurate and precise estimates of the population parameter or better-performing models.

Optimal subsampling is particularly useful when dealing with imbalanced datasets, where the number of samples in each class is significantly different. In such cases, optimal subsampling can help to balance the number of samples in each class, leading to more accurate predictions and better-performing models.

3. Applications of Optimal Subsampling

Optimal subsampling has numerous applications in statistical analysis and machine learning. Some of the common applications are as follows:

  • Hypothesis testing: In hypothesis testing, optimal subsampling can be used to select a representative subset of the data for testing the null hypothesis. This can help to reduce the Type I and Type II errors and improve the statistical power of the test.
  • Model training: In machine learning, optimal subsampling can be used to select a representative subset of the data for training the model. This can help to reduce overfitting, improve the model’s generalization performance, and reduce the computational cost of training the model.
  • Data preprocessing: In data preprocessing, optimal subsampling can be used to reduce the size of the dataset, remove outliers, and balance the number of samples in each class.

Limitations of Optimal Subsampling

While optimal subsampling offers numerous benefits, it also has some limitations that researchers should be aware of. In this section, we will discuss the limitations of optimal subsampling and the challenges associated with its use.

1. Loss of Information

One of the primary limitations of optimal subsampling is the loss of information. By selecting a representative subset of the data, we may exclude valuable information that could be useful for estimating the population parameter or training the model. This is particularly problematic when dealing with small datasets or datasets with complex structures, where every sample contributes significantly to the analysis.

To overcome this limitation, researchers can use alternative subsampling techniques that retain more information, such as stratified sampling or bootstrap sampling. These methods aim to preserve the data’s structure and ensure that every sample has an equal chance of being included in the subsample.

2. Selection Bias

Another limitation of optimal subsampling is the potential for selection bias. Selection bias occurs when the subset of the data selected for analysis does not represent the population of interest accurately. This can lead to biased estimates of the population parameter or inaccurate predictions from the model.

To reduce selection bias, researchers should ensure that the subsample is selected randomly or with a systematic sampling method. Additionally, researchers should perform sensitivity analyses to assess the robustness of their results to different subsampling methods.

3. Applications of Optimal Subsampling

Optimal subsampling has numerous applications in statistical analysis and machine learning, but its limitations should be taken into account when interpreting the results. Some of the common limitations and challenges associated with the use of optimal subsampling are as follows:

  • Sample size: The optimal subsampling method requires a sufficient sample size to estimate the population parameter accurately. If the sample size is too small, the subsample may not represent the population of interest accurately, leading to biased estimates.
  • Complex data structures: Optimal subsampling may not work well with datasets with complex structures, such as time series or spatial data. In such cases, researchers may need to use alternative subsampling techniques that preserve the data’s structure and ensure that every sample has an equal chance of being included in the subsample.

Bootstrap: An Overview

Bootstrap is a resampling technique used in statistical analysis to estimate the variability and uncertainty of a population parameter. In this section, we will discuss the concept of bootstrap, its history, and its applications.


I. What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a statistical technique that involves generating multiple resamples of the original data to estimate the sampling distribution of a statistic. The idea behind bootstrap is to simulate many datasets by randomly sampling from the original data with replacement. Each resample is of the same size as the original dataset, but the samples are drawn with replacement, meaning that the same observation can be selected more than once.

By generating multiple resamples, we can estimate the sampling distribution of a statistic, such as the mean or standard deviation, without assuming any particular distribution of the population. Bootstrap is a non-parametric technique, meaning that it does not require any assumptions about the underlying distribution of the data.

II. History and Applications of Bootstrap

The bootstrap method was first introduced by Bradley Efron in 1979 as a general-purpose statistical tool for estimating the variability of estimators. Since then, bootstrap has become a widely used technique in statistical analysis and machine learning. Some of the common applications of bootstrap are as follows:

  • Estimating Confidence Intervals: Bootstrap is often used to estimate the confidence intervals of a population parameter, such as the mean or standard deviation. By generating multiple resamples of the data, we can estimate the sampling distribution of the statistic and calculate the confidence interval using the percentile method or the bias-corrected and accelerated method.
  • Hypothesis Testing: Bootstrap can also be used for hypothesis testing, particularly in situations where the assumptions of traditional tests, such as the t-test or ANOVA, are violated. In such cases, researchers can use bootstrap to estimate the p-value of a test statistic and perform hypothesis testing without relying on the assumptions of traditional tests.
  • Model Selection: Bootstrap can also be used for model selection, particularly in situations where the sample size is small or the data is noisy. By generating multiple resamples of the data, researchers can estimate the variability of the model selection criteria, such as the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) or the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), and select the best model based on the resampling distribution.

How Bootstrap Works

Bootstrap is a resampling technique that involves repeatedly resampling a dataset to create a new set of datasets. Each of these new datasets is created by randomly sampling with replacement from the original dataset, so that some observations may be selected multiple times, while others may not be selected at all. Bootstrap can be used to estimate the sampling distribution of a statistic, such as the mean or the median, without making assumptions about the underlying population distribution.

Bootstrap is a powerful technique that allows researchers to estimate a statistic of interest with greater precision and accuracy. The following are the two main steps involved in the bootstrap procedure:

  1. Resampling: In the first step, a large number of bootstrap samples are created by randomly selecting observations from the original dataset with replacement. The number of bootstrap samples can vary depending on the size of the original dataset and the level of accuracy required. Typically, 1000 or more bootstrap samples are created.
  2. Calculating the statistic of interest: In the second step, the statistic of interest is calculated for each of the bootstrap samples. This creates a distribution of the statistic, which can be used to estimate the sampling distribution of the statistic. The distribution can be used to estimate confidence intervals or to test hypotheses.

Bootstrap can be used for a wide variety of statistical analyses, including linear regression, logistic regression, and survival analysis. It is particularly useful when the sample size is small, when the underlying distribution of the data is unknown or non-normal, or when there are outliers in the data.

Benefits of Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a powerful statistical tool that provides numerous benefits to researchers and data analysts. Below are some of the key benefits of bootstrap:

  1. No assumptions about the underlying population distribution: One of the main benefits of bootstrap is that it does not require assumptions about the underlying population distribution. Traditional statistical methods, such as hypothesis testing and confidence interval estimation, typically assume that the data are normally distributed. However, in many real-world situations, this assumption may not hold. Bootstrap can be used to estimate the sampling distribution of a statistic without making assumptions about the underlying population distribution.
  2. Ability to estimate the sampling distribution of a statistic: Bootstrap provides a way to estimate the sampling distribution of a statistic, which can be used to calculate confidence intervals or to test hypotheses. The sampling distribution of a statistic can be difficult or impossible to obtain analytically in many cases, especially when the underlying distribution of the data is unknown or when the sample size is small. Bootstrap provides a practical way to estimate the sampling distribution of a statistic, which can be used to make inferences about the population parameter.
  3. Robustness to outliers: Bootstrap is a robust statistical technique that can handle outliers and other types of data that violate assumptions of traditional statistical methods. When outliers are present, traditional statistical methods may produce inaccurate results or fail altogether. However, bootstrap can be used to estimate a statistic of interest using resampled data that are less affected by outliers.
  4. Flexibility: Bootstrap is a flexible statistical technique that can be used for a wide variety of statistical analyses, including linear regression, logistic regression, and survival analysis. It can be used in situations where other statistical techniques may fail, such as when the sample size is small or when the underlying distribution of the data is non-normal.
  5. Higher accuracy: By resampling the data and estimating the statistic of interest from multiple bootstrap samples, the variability and error in the estimate can be reduced, leading to higher accuracy. Bootstrap can provide more accurate estimates than traditional statistical methods, especially when the sample size is small or the data are non-normally distributed.

Overall, bootstrap provides numerous benefits to researchers and data analysts, making it a valuable tool for a wide range of statistical analyses. Its flexibility, robustness, and ability to estimate the sampling distribution of a statistic without making assumptions about the underlying population distribution make it a powerful technique that can provide accurate and reliable results in a variety of situations.

Limitations of Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a powerful statistical method for estimating the uncertainty of a parameter or model by simulating resampling from the observed data. Despite its many benefits, bootstrap also has some limitations that researchers should be aware of when using this technique.

1. Computational Intensity

Bootstrap is computationally intensive, especially when the data are large or the resampling process needs to be repeated many times to obtain reliable estimates of the uncertainty. This can be time-consuming and may require access to high-performance computing resources. Some researchers have proposed alternative methods, such as subsampling or approximate bootstrap, to address this limitation.

2. Sample Size Limitations

Bootstrap is a powerful method for estimating the uncertainty of a parameter or model, but it does have limitations when applied to small sample sizes. In general, the accuracy of the bootstrap estimate depends on the number of resamples and the size of the original sample. With small sample sizes, it may be difficult to obtain reliable estimates of the uncertainty, and the results may be sensitive to the specific resampling method used. In such cases, alternative methods, such as permutation tests or Monte Carlo simulation, may be more appropriate.

3. Vulnerability to Outliers

Bootstrap is sensitive to outliers, which can have a significant impact on the results of the analysis. Outliers can affect the bootstrap estimates by inflating the variance or bias of the estimate, leading to unreliable or misleading results. Researchers should be cautious when interpreting the results of bootstrap analysis and should consider alternative methods, such as robust regression or trimmed mean estimators, to deal with outliers.

Using a Combination of Optimal Subsampling and Bootstrap in Machine Learning

In recent years, the combination of optimal subsampling and bootstrap has emerged as a powerful tool for improving the performance of machine learning algorithms. Optimal subsampling is used to select the most informative subset of data, while bootstrap is used to estimate the variability of the model performance. Here, we explore the benefits and limitations of using a combination of optimal subsampling and bootstrap in machine learning.

1. Benefits

The combination of optimal subsampling and bootstrap has several benefits in machine learning, including:

  • Improved model performance: Optimal subsampling helps to reduce the noise in the data by selecting the most informative subset, while bootstrap estimates the variability of the model performance. Together, these techniques can help to improve the accuracy and generalization of the model.
  • Faster model training: Optimal subsampling can help to reduce the size of the dataset, making it easier and faster to train the model. Bootstrap can also be used to speed up the training process by estimating the performance of the model on smaller subsamples of the data.
  • Robustness to outliers: Optimal subsampling can help to reduce the impact of outliers on the model performance by selecting a subset of data that is less affected by outliers. Bootstrap can also help to improve the robustness of the model by estimating the variability of the performance across multiple subsamples.
5. Limitations

While the combination of optimal subsampling and bootstrap has many benefits, there are also some limitations to consider, including:

  • Overfitting: It is possible to overfit the model to the selected subset of data if the optimal subsampling technique is not carefully chosen. Additionally, if the bootstrap sample size is too small, it may not be representative of the full dataset, leading to overfitting.
  • Computational complexity: The combination of optimal subsampling and bootstrap can be computationally expensive, especially when applied to large datasets. It may also require tuning of hyperparameters, such as the optimal subsample size and the number of bootstrap samples, which can further increase the computational complexity.
  • Model interpretability: The use of optimal subsampling and bootstrap can make the model more complex and difficult to interpret. This can make it challenging to understand the underlying patterns and relationships in the data, which may limit the ability to draw meaningful insights from the model.


In this blog post, we discussed the importance of optimal subsampling and bootstrap in improving model accuracy in machine learning. We explained the basic concepts of optimal subsampling and bootstrap, including their benefits and limitations. We also discussed how they can be used individually and in combination to enhance the performance of machine learning models.

Optimal subsampling helps to reduce the size of large datasets while preserving the important features and characteristics of the original data. Bootstrap, on the other hand, helps to estimate the variability of a model’s performance and assess its robustness.

By using optimal subsampling and bootstrap in machine learning, we can obtain more accurate models that generalize better to new data. With the increasing availability of large datasets and powerful computing resources, these techniques can be used to improve the accuracy, interpretability and reliability of complex models.

One potential area of future research is the development of new subsampling and bootstrap methods that are tailored to specific types of data and models. Another important area is the integration of these techniques with other machine learning methods, such as deep learning and reinforcement learning.

Overall, the use of optimal subsampling and bootstrap in machine learning has the potential to revolutionize the field by enabling more accurate and reliable models. By taking advantage of these techniques, researchers and practitioners can unlock new insights and applications in a wide range of domains, from healthcare and finance to social media and entertainment.