Understanding Multivariate Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting with Informer

Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

Time series forecasting has long been regarded as a critical component in myriad fields, ranging from finance and economics to environmental science and engineering. Accurate predictions of future observations enable businesses, researchers, and policymakers to make informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and mitigate potential risks. However, real-world time series data often exhibit complex patterns and interdependencies across multiple variables, necessitating advanced forecasting methodologies.

One such cutting-edge approach is multivariate probabilistic time series forecasting, which not only accounts for the intricate relationships between multiple time series but also provides a comprehensive view of the uncertainties inherent in the predictions. By leveraging sophisticated techniques to model the temporal dependencies and probability distributions of the variables, these advanced forecasting models offer a powerful means of capturing the dynamics of complex systems.

Enter the Informer, an innovative deep learning architecture designed specifically for multivariate probabilistic time series forecasting. The Informer model combines the strengths of the Temporal Fusion Transformer, a sequence-to-sequence learning framework, and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, bolstering its ability to extract and learn from both long and short-term dependencies. Furthermore, the model’s attention mechanism and multi-head self-attention components allow for the efficient processing of large-scale, high-dimensional time series data.

In this blog post, we delve into the world of multivariate probabilistic time series forecasting, elucidating the importance of these advanced models in contemporary applications. We will also explore the inner workings of the Informer model, examining its unique architecture and the advantages it offers over traditional forecasting techniques. By the end of this post, readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the Informer model and its potential applications across various industries and domains.

What is Informer?

The Informer model is a state-of-the-art deep learning architecture specifically designed for multivariate probabilistic time series forecasting. It is adept at handling large-scale, high-dimensional data and excels in capturing both long and short-term dependencies within the data. The model’s unique architecture combines several advanced techniques, making it a powerful and flexible tool for forecasting tasks in diverse domains.

Key Features and Advantages of the Informer Model

1. Temporal Fusion Transformer: At the core of the Informer model lies the Temporal Fusion Transformer, a sequence-to-sequence learning framework that enables the model to efficiently process input sequences and generate output sequences. This component allows the Informer to learn complex temporal patterns and dependencies across multiple variables.

2. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks: The Informer model incorporates LSTM networks to capture both long-term and short-term dependencies within the data effectively. LSTMs are a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) that have demonstrated remarkable success in sequence-based tasks, such as natural language processing and time series forecasting.

3. Attention Mechanism: The attention mechanism used in the Informer model is a crucial component that facilitates the efficient processing of large-scale time series data. It enables the model to selectively focus on specific parts of the input sequence while generating predictions, thus improving the accuracy and interpretability of the forecast.

4. Multi-head Self-attention: The Informer model employs multi-head self-attention to capture different aspects of the data, enhancing its ability to model complex relationships between variables. This technique also improves the model’s scalability and computational efficiency.

5. Probabilistic Decoder: The Informer’s probabilistic decoder generates uncertainty estimates for its forecasts, allowing for the quantification of prediction risk. This feature is especially valuable in decision-making processes, where understanding the range of potential outcomes is crucial.

Comparison with Other Time-Series Models

Compared to other popular time series models such as Prophet, DeepAR, and XGBoost, the Informer model offers several distinct advantages:

  • Superior Performance: The Informer model has demonstrated exceptional performance in various benchmark datasets, outperforming other state-of-the-art models in terms of accuracy and scalability. Its ability to capture complex temporal dependencies and multivariate relationships sets it apart from traditional models.
  • Uncertainty Quantification: Unlike some other models, the Informer provides probabilistic forecasts, enabling users to assess the uncertainty associated with the predictions. This feature is particularly useful for risk assessment and decision-making purposes.
  • Scalability: The Informer model is highly scalable, making it suitable for large-scale time series forecasting tasks. Its attention mechanism and multi-head self-attention components enable the efficient processing of high-dimensional data, a capability that is often lacking in traditional models.
  • Flexibility: The Informer model can be easily adapted to a wide range of applications, including financial markets, energy consumption, traffic flow prediction, weather forecasting, and more. Its versatility and adaptability make it a valuable tool for time series forecasting tasks across various industries and domains.

How does Informer work?

The Informer model is a deep learning-based architecture tailored for multivariate probabilistic time series forecasting. To appreciate its inner workings and the advantages it offers over other forecasting models, it is essential to delve into its technical components and the underlying methodology.

Technical Explanation of the Informer Model

1. Sequence-to-sequence Learning: The Informer model follows a sequence-to-sequence learning paradigm, wherein it processes input sequences and generates output sequences. This approach allows the model to effectively learn from and capture temporal dependencies in the data.

2. Temporal Fusion Transformer: The Temporal Fusion Transformer serves as the backbone of the Informer model. It combines input features and historical information in a hierarchical manner, enabling the model to learn complex relationships between variables and generate accurate forecasts. It consists of an encoder and a decoder, both of which leverage multi-head self-attention mechanisms to process the input and generate predictions.

3. Multi-head Self-attention: This component of the Informer model allows it to focus on different aspects of the input data simultaneously. By computing multiple attention distributions, the model can capture intricate relationships between variables and improve its forecasting performance.

4. Positional Encoding: To account for the sequential nature of time series data, the Informer model incorporates positional encoding, which injects positional information into the input embeddings. This technique allows the model to discern the relative positions of data points in the sequence and learn temporal patterns effectively.

5. Probabilistic Decoder: The Informer model generates probabilistic forecasts by employing a probabilistic decoder that estimates the parameters of a probability distribution for each predicted variable. This feature enables the model to quantify uncertainty and produce prediction intervals, facilitating better risk assessment and decision-making.

Comparison with Conditioned Normalizing Flows

Conditioned Normalizing Flows (CNFs) represent another class of multivariate probabilistic time series forecasting models. These models utilize a series of invertible transformations to map the target distribution to a simple base distribution, allowing them to learn complex probability distributions and generate accurate forecasts. While both Informer and CNFs are capable of handling multivariate probabilistic time series forecasting tasks, there are notable differences between the two:

  • Model Complexity: The Informer model’s architecture, based on the Temporal Fusion Transformer and multi-head self-attention mechanisms, is inherently more complex than the CNFs’ sequence of invertible transformations. This complexity allows the Informer to capture intricate temporal dependencies and multivariate relationships more effectively than CNFs.
  • Scalability: The Informer model’s attention mechanism and hierarchical structure enable it to efficiently process large-scale, high-dimensional time series data. In contrast, CNFs may face scalability challenges when dealing with large datasets and high-dimensional problems.
  • Uncertainty Quantification: Both Informer and CNFs can produce probabilistic forecasts, offering uncertainty estimates for their predictions. However, the Informer model’s probabilistic decoder provides a more direct approach to quantifying uncertainty, while CNFs require additional steps to estimate prediction intervals.

Applications of Informer

The Informer model’s ability to handle multivariate probabilistic time series forecasting makes it an indispensable tool across various industries and domains. Its scalability, flexibility, and advanced architecture enable it to address complex forecasting tasks and provide valuable insights for decision-makers. In this section, we will explore some real-world applications of the Informer model and examine case studies that showcase its effectiveness.

1. Financial Markets: The Informer model can be employed to forecast stock prices, currency exchange rates, and other financial time series, enabling traders and investors to make informed decisions and manage risk effectively. Its ability to quantify uncertainty through probabilistic predictions is particularly valuable in volatile markets, where understanding the range of possible outcomes is crucial.

Case Study: A hedge fund employed the Informer model to forecast the stock prices of several companies in its investment portfolio. The model successfully captured the complex relationships between the companies’ stock prices and various macroeconomic indicators, resulting in more accurate and reliable forecasts than traditional time series models.

2. Energy Consumption: Accurate energy consumption forecasting is vital for energy providers and policymakers, as it facilitates efficient resource allocation, demand-side management, and grid stability. The Informer model can be used to predict electricity consumption across various sectors, taking into account factors such as weather conditions, seasonal trends, and economic activity.

Case Study: A utility company used the Informer model to forecast electricity consumption for a large metropolitan area. The model’s ability to process high-dimensional data and incorporate multiple variables enabled it to generate accurate consumption forecasts, leading to improved demand management and reduced operational costs.

3. Traffic Flow Prediction: The Informer model can be applied to predict traffic flow patterns in urban areas, allowing city planners and transportation authorities to optimize traffic management, reduce congestion, and enhance public safety. By considering multiple factors, such as weather conditions, special events, and historical trends, the model can generate accurate and reliable traffic flow forecasts.

Case Study: A city’s transportation department utilized the Informer model to forecast traffic flow patterns on major highways during a major sporting event. By incorporating real-time data from traffic sensors and historical patterns, the model generated accurate predictions that enabled authorities to implement effective traffic management strategies, minimizing congestion and improving overall transportation efficiency.

4. Weather Forecasting: Accurate weather forecasting is essential for numerous industries, such as agriculture, aviation, and disaster management. The Informer model can be used to predict meteorological variables, such as temperature, precipitation, and wind speed, by considering multiple sources of data, including satellite imagery, ground-based measurements, and historical trends.

Case Study: A national meteorological agency employed the Informer model to improve its weather forecasting capabilities. By integrating data from multiple sources and capturing complex temporal dependencies, the model generated more accurate and reliable forecasts than traditional methods, contributing to better decision-making and risk management in various sectors.

These examples demonstrate the versatility and applicability of the Informer model in addressing complex multivariate probabilistic time series forecasting tasks across diverse industries and domains. Its advanced architecture, scalability, and ability to capture intricate relationships between variables make it a valuable tool for decision-makers and analysts seeking to harness the power of time series data.


In this blog post, we have delved into multivariate probabilistic time series forecasting, with a particular focus on the Informer model. We have examined the unique architecture of the Informer, which combines elements of the Temporal Fusion Transformer, LSTM networks, and attention mechanisms, to process large-scale, high-dimensional data and capture complex temporal dependencies. The model’s ability to generate probabilistic forecasts and quantify uncertainty makes it a powerful tool for decision-makers across various industries and domains.

We have also explored the numerous applications of the Informer model, ranging from financial markets and energy consumption to traffic flow prediction and weather forecasting. In each case, the Informer model has demonstrated its ability to outperform traditional forecasting methods, thanks to its advanced architecture, scalability, and versatility.

In summary, the Informer model represents a significant leap forward in multivariate probabilistic time series forecasting. Its unique architecture, coupled with its ability to handle complex data and provide valuable uncertainty estimates, makes it an indispensable tool for analysts and decision-makers seeking to harness the power of time series data.